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{theqoo} The situation with Cha Eun-woo's fan meeting in Mexico is intense.


Original post here.

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- "Just his face alone is worthy of a world tour. Astonishing."

- "If Cha Eun-woo steps even 1cm beyond the border, it's like a national event... Why bother spending money on the Olympics? Merely saying Cha Eun-woo is as a Korean...(just kidding)"

- "Wow!"

- "I get it."

- "Wow, Eun-woo is really a superstar!"

- "Not knowing when Cha Eun-woo would return, his fans were so eager that they all went... Interestingly, there are quite a few people in this area who enjoy Korean content."

- "Prince..."

- "Wow, the popularity is incredible!"

- "I completely understand those feelings, not knowing when they'll have the chance to see him again, especially since it's on the other side of the world. It would be great if he could visit often, given how popular he is."

- "The popularity is incredible, wow."

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