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{EnterTalk} "Karina was really thin during Spicy era."


[Note: please be warned the OP and some of the comments glorify being underweight]

Seeing the Supernova fancam and then watching this, there's a huge difference. Personally, I think this was Karina's best era. She was so beautiful. ㅜㅜ

Original post here

[+84,-4] What's with these comments? It looks like there are only pro-ana people here. It's really disgusting.

[+54,-7] Isn't this written by HYBE? Subtly trying to bring her down, ㅋㅋㅋ. No matter what, Karina is Karina.

[+54,-14] She is currently at the peak of her popularity.

[+36,-112] She's beautiful now, but it would be nice if she lost just a little weight. The "Stamp On It"-"Seoul Music Awards"-"Spicy" era was legendary, so I think she would look even better if she lost about 2 kgs.

    -[+19,-0] For someone already underweight, 2kgs is a lot.
    -[+4,-0] Why don't you lose some weight yourself?
    -[+2,-0] This is why even chodings go on diets. Why are you guys like this?
    -[+0,-0] What bullsh*t are you saying?
    -[+0,-0] She's so thin currently, what more can she lose?

[+18,-34] She has definitely gained weight. It could be that the other members have slimmed down more for the comeback, but when I watch Karina's stages this time, she sometimes looks a bit bloated.

[+15,-0] Fighting, our part-time workers.
[+0,-0] These part-time workers are working hard.

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