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{Marriage/In-laws} "Would it be awkward if the bride enters alone?"

Picture not included.

The OP posing the question clarifies that her father is around, it's just that they don't get along.  He only sees her once or twice a year, in the last 20 years making their relationship "more awkward than with the company's CEO"

She describes her dad as matching the pitiful stereotype portrayed in dramas: a father who brings debt, neglects his household responsibilities and doesn't support the family. While her mom is the one who raised them and paid off all the debt he created.

She trusts that both her immediate and extended family would understand her walking in alone since they know what he's like and are already distant from him.
It is her in-laws she fears will find it strange if she walks down the aisle alone, especially if her dad is in attendance.

Is it weird...?

 Original post here.
👍387 👎18

[+368,-3] The bride and groom should enter together.

[+64,-8] I went by myself~~?? Haha, felt like the protagonist and it was really enjoyable haha. Highly recommended haha. No one pays any mind haha.

[+0,-0]Your mother is the one who birthed you. Your father didn't birth you, he just contributed his... feelings haha.

[+0,-0] Even without any particular reason, why do men not accompany their parents, but women have to? It's not like they're being sold or something...

[+22,-3] The custom of giving away the daughter is quite old-fashioned, so just enter together~~

[+0,-0] If I hold hands with my dad, with whom I'm not particularly close, it seems like he'd grimace from the get-go... So, entering alone or entering at the same time as the groom is preferable haha

[+0,-0] It doesn't look normal, does it?

[+225,-8] Please enter together. The practice of holding hands with the father while walking in should be discontinued.

[+10,-0] I work at a wedding hall, and it's very common for brides to walk in alone!!! There's no need to worry!! Nowadays, many grooms meet the bride halfway down the aisle to hand her the bouquet!! If you're concerned, this could be a great option to consider!

[+0,0] Honestly, I don't remember or care about other people's weddings at all. Just do whatever you want— at the end of  the day, it's your wedding.

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