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{Pann} Being 30 years old in South Korea.




To my mom : Someone that's still not fully grown up
To relatives : Should have been married with a kid or two by now
To friends : Who us? 30?
To society : Ill-mannered millennials
To politicians : Something that should have children but doesn't
On Twitter : Someone old who will pass away soon
At work : A baby that has just broken out of its shell"

Original post here.

👍376 👎18

[+60,-2] I passed thirty long ago, but in my twenties, I thought that by the time I turned thirty, I would be some mature adult mentally, socially, and economically. When I did turned thirty, I felt like, 'Me? Why? When? But why do I feel the same as I did in my twenties?' This feeling made me even sadder, thinking that I had only aged. Even though I haven't changed a lot by the time I turned forty, I did become a bit more relaxed in my perception on the world. I'm still struggling in a lot, but one thing I definitely feel is that tough times do pass, and I can now think that I shouldn't get all caught up in the pain of the moment.

[+50] I merely pretend to be an adult and parade about, but deep down, it's like I never left middle or high school. Damn it...

[+53,-91] In Korea, thinking 30 is young is abnormal. It's not just society that creates this perception; the individuals themselves also think they are young. Responsibility is not taken seriously, focus is only on enjoying life without carrying any sense of duty. Just getting older doesn't make you an adult. It's about behaving like one.

[+0,-0] Even among people in their 70s and 80s, there are so many who are very immature. And you're already thinking like that...

[+47,-132] A woman at 30 is considered a baby...? Girls graduate at 23 and if they're 30, they have 7 years of experience, but they're still infantilized?? 

[+2,-0] Menopause.

[+1,-0] Men and women are really different, huh?

[0,-1]In society, they say 'you're too old', but when you ask the country for help, they put up a steel barrier saying 'you're still young'.

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