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{EnterTalk} "Be:LIFT Lab is so funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ." So, Min Hee Jin plagiarized Min Hee Jin?

"New Jeans copied LE SSERAFIM??"

"Before that, Min Hee Jin took a pictorial for Girls’ Generation (in 2011)"

"New Jeans copied Blackpink’s tennis skirt?"

"Before that, Min Hee-jin took a pictorial for Girls’ Generation’s tennis look."

"As a matter of fact, Girls' Generation debuted with a tennis look (Min Hee Jin was involved when they were rookies)."
"Even the famous f(x) comeback with the tennis skirt concept (is Min Hee Jin's work)."

"In the end, is Be:LIFT Lab wanting to say, "Did Min Hee Jin copy Min Hee Jin?" "

Original post here

[+124,-5] "There is no concept that hasn't been done in a Girls' Generation's album concept or photobook ㅋㅋㅋ. And Min Hee-jin was at the center of itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "

[+97,-2] "Krystal wearing a tennis skirt was so pretty that it became a trend among the general public for several years. Even people who weren't interested in the K-pop scene will remember the tennis skirt trend, ㅋㅋ."

[+56,-1] "In the comments on that Be:LIFT Lab video, there was one that said, "Min Hee Jin: I apologize for plagiarizing the tennis skirt / Min Hee Jin: It's okay." It was really hilarious, ㅋㅋ. Why does Be:LIFT Lab only make self-destructive statements...? I guess if that's a talent, it's a talent they have, ㅋㅋ."

[+10,-0] "Wow... Min Hee-jin really has a good sense of beauty... I don't know much about idols these days, but I really liked Girls' Generation and f(x) so much. I didn't know it was Min Hee-jin's work."

[+3,-0] " 'Min Hee Jin is emotional and pretends to be cool and rational', but in reality, Min Hee Jin is cool and rational and HYBE is emotional and sloppy ㅋㅋㅋ."

[+0,-0] "Honestly, I don't know what it means to be accused of plagiarism in kpop anymore."

[+0,-0] "To Min Hee Jin: I’m sorry for plagiarizing. From.Min Hee Jin: It’s okay."

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