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{theqoo} The real-time situation at Weverse-con is chaotic.


-Charging 170,000 won each, there was only one booth for identity verification. People were lined up since the morning, but even by the time it started, not everyone could get in. In the midst of this chaos, group allocation times were only about 10 to 15 minutes. Paying 170,000 won and having to endure this, fans couldn’t even properly see their favourite groups, so it's natural that they’re angry.
-- Are you sure you saw correctly that there was only one verification booth?
At WeverseCon, there's no order at all. People are supposed to be in line but everyone just rushes in. 😂😂
Seriously, there's no organization whatsoever. The security team is told not to control the situation and they pass all responsibility to another security team.ㄷㄷ

Right now at WeverseCon, people are disregarding the lines and rushing to get in.

The police and firefighters are all deployed because of this nuisance festival. That's what WeverseCon is right now. 😂
How on earth did the entry line collapse and turn into a zombie run with thousands of people? WeverseCon, you're the worst nightmare in festival history and should disappear.
The sound of screams is seriously worrying. The security head said they suddenly didn't know why the line collapsed. The performance was supposed to start at 11:30, but by 11:20, only 1% of the general admission had been allowed in.

Original post here.

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- "HYBE again?"

- "I was wondering why everything was in chaos, and then I realized why. The show was supposed to start at 11, but they hadn't let in a single person by then. How did they manage to reach such a dire situation with entry?"

- "Even with a chaotic execution, all the tickets still sold out. Go figure."

- "Wow, it's really scary how they let people rush in like that. They should stop it and prioritize safety. Don't they need to implement strict security measures? What did the firefighters and rescue personnel do wrong? It's just absurd."

- "All K-pop fans behave like that, but if you say something to HYBE fans in particular, they don't really react."

- "It feels like it's gotten worse compared to last year; they've scheduled too many artists this year, making ticket prices skyrocket, so unfortunately, I can't attend.ㅠ"

- "Don't you think they're being too frugal? Hiring more staff could solve the problem, you know. They're saving money excessively."

- "Last year it was okay, but now, what's going on? It's really declining as time goes by."

- "It brings back memories of BTS' Busan concert, and it's giving me PTSD... I hope no one gets hurt..ㅜ"

- "I'm relieved that my favourite group isn't a part Weverse."

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