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{theqoo} Question: "Which one of these working rabbits deserves the highest salary?" [.gif]

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1. White rabbit cutting out the dough in measured amounts
2. Brown rabbit spreading the dough wide
3. Brown rabbit cutting the filling in the right amount
4. Spotted rabbit wrapping the dough so that the inside is not visible
5. Spotted rabbit stamping out shapes.

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- 4. If that process is defective, it is most noticeable.



- Number 2 looks the toughest.

- 5 Protect your back!

- Number 4 is a technician.


- Number 4. But why does rabbit number 5 have such big movements? All you have to do is move your arms!

- Number 1 rabbit. Number 1 is measuring the quantity with it's own hands ã…‹ã…‹ 

- Number 5's stiff shoulders are gonna be no joke.

-4. If they were to be replaced by machines, Number 4's machine would be the most expensive.

- 3. Cutting accurately is difficult.

- 4 is a technician and 5 is....... Save the rabbit!!!!! 4&5 Give a lot to both..

- Number 3 is also a technician. If you don't cut the right amount at the right time, you won't be able to get it in there. And since Anko is expensive, if it goes bad, there is a big loss.

- 4. It has skills and its wrists seem to be the smallest.

-All of them. 

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