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{EnterTalk} "Are you excessively praising Min Hee Jin because you're secretly afraid New Jeans will fail without her?"

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I'm genuinely curious, are the people who overly praise Min Hee Jin just "Bunnies" who think New Jeans will fail without her?

Wherever I go, there are so many people fiercely defending Min Hee Jin against criticism. There's a lot of them in posts about Min Hee Jin, but not in posts criticizing New Jeans. Honestly, it makes me wonder if Ador is hiring people to shield Min Hee Jin. Even in posts where fans think Ador might have done something wrong, there are tons of comments defending her.

I swear, I dislike both Bang Si-hyuk and Min Hee Jin, but the way Min Hee Jin fans go beyond defending her to praising her appearance and fashion sense feels really weird to me. The fact that these posts keep coming up and everyone claps and agrees with them is genuinely scary. Are they hired shills? Or do they genuinely love Min Hee-jin that much? Or are they just Bunnies scared that New Jeans will fail without her? I'm seriously, seriously, seriously curious.

Original post here

[128+,-20] "Yah... don't just rely on forums, take a look at YouTube and Instagram too... Isn't it obvious that Min Hee Jin has widespread public support? LOL. While some Bunnies might also be praising her, the general public is already on her side. Meanwhile, it's actually HYBE that receives excessive praise from certain idol fanbases (you know who^^)."

[+110,-10] "Yah, just because people aren't siding with HYBE, don't start shouting, 'Why is everyone supporting Min HeeJin!! You must be her hired shills!!!' Take a look at public opinion,ㅋㅋㅋㅋ . Even on forums full of HYBE fans, posts supporting Min Hee Jin after her press conference get over 2,000 likes. On SNS like YouTube and Instagram, where the general public is active, posts supporting her get tens of thousands of likes. Does that seem like the work of Bunnies or Min Hee Jin fans to you? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. It's just public opinion, plain and simple. How long are you going to keep deluding yourself?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ."
"Judging by the press conference content, it seems like HYBE is being portrayed as the villain. Initially, the live comment section on YouTube during Min Hee-jin's press conference was filled with negative comments and insults towards her. However, as the conference went on, the public opinion gradually shifted in her favor." 

[+103,-13] "Honestly, the people on Pann are hilarious, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. In every other community, except for places like DC Gallery, no one is criticizing Min Hee Jin. In fact, most people are supporting her. You won't see posts like these anywhere else, but they keep popping up on Pann. The HYBE fans keep upvoting each other, convincing themselves they're right, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Sure... just keep it on Pann..."

[+101,-7] "[Are you saying] all the industry insiders and celebrities who support New Jeans or Min Hee Jin are actually Min Hee Jin's hired help?"
[+14,-3] "It's funny how all of the Min Hee Jin shield posts were written at 3:30am."

[+5,-0] "No matter how hard they try to win over the public opinion on forums, the reality is that even celebrities support New Jeans, and Min Hee Jin. Also, people in the industry are signing petitions in support of Min Hee Jin. ㅎㅎ. No matter which community you go to, there's no favor towards HYBE, only on Pann!! Thanks for your hard work shielding HYBE ㅠㅠ"

[+5,-0] "The 92% dislike ratio on that HYBE statement video, were all those dislikes pressed by the hands of Min Hee Jin's hired workers, right?ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ."

[+0,-0] " New Jeans 2 Days & 1 Night episode has the lowest viewer ratings ever ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ .

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