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{EnterTalk} Opinion: "I do not like Min Hee-jin's statement."

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 The OP brings up how the feud between Ador's Min Hee-jin and HYBE's Bang Si-hyuk has (intentionally or not) harmed other idols in the process. OP finds Hee-jin selfish for only protecting herself and her own 'children' while disregarding the harm done to other idols who were dragged into this matter. 
Instead of responding like in her statement below, OP thinks MHJ should give an apology then not bring this up again. With that, Bang Si-hyuk can then also apologize to NewJeans.

If adult are fighting and kids get hurts in the process, shouldn't the adults be apologetic towards them?

Journalist: It seems like other idol groups have been affected as well. There are suspicions linking others to a specific organization (Danworld), and it appears that other groups have also been hurt. What would you like to say to those people?

Min Hee-jin, CEO: I believe NewJeans has also been hurt, and it's a situation where everyone involved has been hurt. This isn't just about anyone in particular. I'm human too. One of our staff members once made a meaningful comment, saying, "People don't think of CEO Hee-jin as a human being." They mentioned this...

I'm also human. And everyone, including the members, are all human too. So, I don't want to single anyone out or say something specific. Instead, if journalists and everyone else don't want to cause harm, they should stop bringing it up.

Continuously poking at and causing harm is hurtful in itself. If you truly care about them, you should stop mentioning it, and a lot of effort is needed to heal these wounds.

We need to have a dialogue and figure out how to move forward, which is why I'm sharing this with you.

- From Min Hee-jin's May 31,2024 press conference -

Original post here.
👍180 👎429

[+192,-45] Min Hee-jin didn't receive an apology, so why is she expected to apologize to someone who was hit from below? That's incredibly selfish.

[+9,-0] Shouldn't the priority be apologizing for attempting to bring up Min Hee-jin informally and publicly? Who made the first move matters.

[+87, -133] So, she says she wants to reconcile, but without making a single apology.

[+51,-11] Why does Min Hee Jin have to apologize first? Going to Coachella and not practicing singing is it also her fault?ㅋㅋ

[+7,-1] Bang Si-hyuk, please give an apology.

[+22,-22] This just appear to be middle-aged woman squabbling over trivial matters.

[+41,-58] To be frank, I'm puzzled as to why ILLIT was dragged into this situation. Initially, when the embezzlement controversy surfaced, her first statement blamed ILLIT, but during the subsequent press conference, intentionally bringing up ILLIT seemed like a tactic to sway public opinion.

[+14,-9] Seriously, she could have simply said, "I apologize for mentioning it. Reporters, please, refrain from mentioning it in the future." But, instead, saying, "I've been hurt too, but you shouldn't mention it," is just amusingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[This opinion seems to deviate slightly from public sentiment. Does this opinion derail the conversation from the matter at had or does it draw attention to what is potentially being overlooked by the major players in this conflict? What do you think?]

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