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{EnterTalk} Some New Jeans fans didn't know Hanni's 'How Sweet' hair is a wig.


How did she hide her long hair?

Orignal post here

[+19,-1] Wow, her head must be really small. It looks natural...ㄷㄷ

[+3,-0] Wow, really? It must be uncomfortable. But, damn, it looks so natural.

[+2,-0] I was sad they committed to the concept so much by cutting that beautiful hair all choppy like that. Turns out it's a wig ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Thank goodness.

[+2,-3] I'm going to marry Hanni.

[+0,-0] I'm jealous of her long neck.

[+0,-0] This is news to me.

[+0,-0] She has sensitive skin so the itchiness must be driving her crazy.

[+0,-0] You'll understand when you wear a wig. The net underneath is very tight, so your hair is well hidden.

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