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{EnterTalk} "Wow, Winter's body is really..."


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👍112 👎26

[+54,-5] Winter has always been slim since her debut. Even during 'Girls', when she appeared swollen, she still looked thin. Despite seeming to eat well, her slender bone structure dominates her appearance.

[+53,-5] Isn't it true that Winter's waist is naturally thin because she has a s-shaped body, in addition to being slim?

[+0,-0] From before, she was thin, but it feels like more weight was lost during Spicy which decreased her stamina .. And don't forget, she underwent surgery recently."

[+23,-8] Her physique is great.

[+12,-12] Eat something...

[+33,-29] It looks like anorexia, doesn't it? Do people genuinely find this appealing?

[+15,-1] Wow, crazy. All organs are in there...?

[+11,-2] I'm so envious...

[+11,-2] It's interesting how both Winter and Jang Wonyoung are very slim, yet Winter doesn't seem painfully thin and actually looks quite attractive. Could it be a difference in bone structure?
            -[+9,-2] Jan Wonyoung is atleast 10cm taller...

[+14,-6] Even someone like this appear chubby on TV cameras, so just how thin must idols be?

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