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HYBE's newly unveiled virtual girl group is already under a lot of controversy.


-"It seems to be aimed at men, but the art style is not to their taste, so it feels like it's neither here nor there."

-"Eh, there's a member in SEVENTEEN named The8??? That's crazy."

-"Are they good at singing?"


-"The Y-zone highlight is sinister."

-"A Seventeen member's stage name is The8 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"


-"It has a strong old man scent."

-"Isn't this the art style that real old men used to draw in back in their youth...?"

-"Stop hiring people from the gaming industry."

-"The hand gesture is impressive 🤏🤏🤏🤏🤏. They did it on purpose, totally."
---"It's hot."
---"Oh god, we're in big trouble."

-"If a gloomy otaku gets rich, they might become like Bang Si-hyuk."

-"The character designs are good, but the setting and background are very reminiscent of other idols ㅡㅡ "

-"I'm a fan of 2D female-oriented and male-oriented products, but I really don't know what's going on here."

-"But what is this? It's not pretty, it's not kitschy, and it's not cute. Who on earth are you trying to appeal to?"

-"Is the one in white a man?"

-"Otaku grandpas."

-"I understand that they are trying to create a retro feel on purpose, but the quality is too low to be the result of a large company like HYBE."

-"Did they just flip the AI model here? The hands look weird."

-"I'm not a fan [of Seventeen]... but isn't there a member in HYBE called The8...??? Their name is in there, so it's a bit..."

-"It's disgusting that they drew a belly button line on clothes that wouldn't show the belly button in any way."

-"Is HYBE really a big company? The aesthetics are bad."

-"Why are you in the idol business? Just make games or comics."

-"They just made them wear tights and a swimsuit to highlight her important parts. ... Is this for an adult show? ㅋㅋㅋ .."

-"Belly button and Y-zone... Ugh."

-"As a current otaku, I am furious at the complacency towards the design. Do you find it easy to rip off otaku money?"

-"Look at the shading that highlights the Y-zone."

-"This gives off neither a feminine nor a masculine scent. It's just b*llsh*t."

-"It's so HYBE-like; tacky and old fashioned."

-"HYBE is ruinedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Regardless of how well they do, the image that comes to mind when you think of HYBE is badㅠㅠ"

-"The characters aren't pretty, and why are the costumes like that? What is that?"

-ㅋㅋㅋ In the end, this is what guys in the game industry bring to the table.

-"Who is the target audience, seriously?? It seems like they've gone through all the possible aesthetics and switched it up so it's neither feminine nor masculine."

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