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My Sibling's Romance: Detailed popularity ranking of the cast by knetizens.

The OP's disclaimer:
After watching My Sibling's Romance and observing the audience's reactions, the cast seems quite decent but there are moments that require empathy. It's disheartening to see them facing so much criticism, prompting the creation of this post partly to reflect on their popularity ranking and partly out of sympathy.
If you disagree, it's fine. You're absolutely right!!!

Jae-hyung & Se-seung:
Initially I was captivated by Jae-hyung's fairy-tale prince-like appearance and charmed by his endearing charisma, I later appreciated how he genuinely values each person. It made me realize he's truly a great person!!!

Se-seung always exuded a cheerful and sincere demeanour, which made her incredibly lovable and endearing!! Particularly in interviews or scenes involving Jung-sub, there were moments that melted my heart, and as a woman, I found her remarkably charming!!

Cheol-hyun & Choa:
Truly admirable siblings who have supported each other remarkably well even in challenging circumstances. Watching the show made me deeply reflect on my tendency to blame my environment and weaknesses.

Cheol-hyun, evidently
 with his modelling background, is exceptionally handsome!! His occasional quirky moments are endearing, and I sense a depth in his personality that adds to his charm! Moreover, his logical and articulate way of speaking suggests he's a smart individual.

Choa possesses fantastic physical appearance and visuals! Her warm personality, reminiscent of comforting cocoa, was also highly appealing! Observing her calmly accepting things in episode 16 made me consider if she's the true protagonist of My Sibling's Romance... Choaㅜㅠ Stay happyㅜㅡㅠ♡♡

From the moment he appeared, he pursued Yun-ha directly and eventually won her heart, making him a genuine romantic hero. Each scene featuring Yun-jae is so refreshing and exhilarating. It seems he didn't join the show to become an influencer but rather as an ordinary person searching for true love, which highlighted his authenticity among the cast.

While what Ji-won, his younger sister, said may not have been appropriate behaviour, I believe Yun-jae's deep infatuation with Yun-ha might have caused him to overlook his surroundings.

Let's walk the flowery path, Yun-Yun ♡♡♡

Jung-sub and Yun-ha:
Firstly, it was heart-warming to see Jung-sub and Yun-ha getting along so well as siblings, and this perspective helps me understand Yun-ha better.

Yun-ha often receives criticism for acting like a sister-in-law. If she truly wanted to act that way, then why did she bother going to see Se-seungie and discussing Jung-sub's perspective while playing matchmaker? Also, when Se-seung heard Jung-sub say something strange, why didn't she react differently? I think this might explain why Yun-ha gets criticized unfairly.

Furthermore, Yun-ha naturally tends to support Jung-sub more than Se-seung because she has a warm, inward-bent(?) nature. When we appear on TV with our younger siblings in an unfamiliar environment, our sibling is often the only one we trust. Wouldn't we naturally support our sibling? Also, in life, haven't we all said something unintentionally at times? Criticizing Yun-ha for that seems overly harsh.

Yun-ha is a person with many warm qualities. Just seeing her feeling upset and shedding tears at Ju-yeon's self-deprecation showed her warm-hearted nature.

Moreover, when her relationship with Yun-jae slightly worsened, it was admirable that she courageously tried to initiate a conversation first. How many people would have the courage to suggest talking things out when their relationship with someone they're seeing on a show turns sour?

Yun-ha's smile is lovely, and she and Yun-jae looked really good together. Instead of criticizing her for acting like a sister-in-law, I hope everyone just supports them.

Regarding Jung-sub, perhaps due to his background in computer engineering, he sometimes misspeaks... I think everyone found those moments frustrating... They say people who work with machines often struggle with communication... Since this seems to be a contextual issue for Jung-sub, I hope he overcomes it well. I also have a younger brother, and seeing him speak kindly to his older sister is actually quite impressive and endearing. He also has a charming smile.

Juyeon received criticism for approaching Jae-hyung without much thought, possibly due to her youth. At 26, she's still young and learning, and it's common to navigate such situations with varying levels of experience.

Despite her sibling dynamics and personal feelings, Ju-yeon faced undue criticism, exacerbated by timing and viewers focusing on Jae-hyung. She, like others, aimed to honestly express her feelings; displaying resilience despite not being reciprocated.

Externally, Ju-yeon faced significant hate comments. Despite not fitting typical beauty norms, she has qualities like height, figure, and a lively personality, which are attractive qualities.

She faced criticism for switching her affection from Jae-hyung to Yong-woo abruptly, being criticized for wavering and showing excessive self-pity.

I see Ji-won as someone whose romantic feelings were simply fading. Media content often highlights flaws in the partner as signs of waning love. Though discussing this openly with Jae-hyung was impolite, many can relate to such relationship challenges. 

Additionally, Ji-won's kindness is evident in her efforts to foster connections between Yun-jae and Yun-ha and her positive interactions with other female participants.

Despite choosing to study abroad, Ji-won likely faced difficulties adapting to a foreign environment at a young age. Similar challenges occur when starting college or a new job. Her portrayal of past experiences as an inner child suggests she may come to accept this aspect of herself over time. It's important she isn't overly criticized for this.

Ji-won received hurtful comments for remarking on men's hygiene after drinking. Such criticism can be deeply hurtful, and while critique is valid, condemnation should be tempered, considering she is an ordinary person. It's crucial commenters empathize before posting.

Sorry, but Yong-woo is the worst participant in a dating shows, primarily due to his lack of sincerity and failure to consider others' feelings, which are typical criticisms of villains in such programs.

Many join dating shows for promotional purposes, but genuine sincerity during broadcasts is usually appreciated. He, however, meticulously planned his actions for the show, making his calculated behaviour unsettling to witness.

Despite potentially joining for promotional reasons, Yong-woo's actions went beyond mere self-promotion, causing harm to those around him and exploiting his younger sibling Ju-yeon, which was disturbing to observe.

In their closing remarks the OP, acknowledges that 16 episodes provide a limited view of the participants, and empathizes with those who receive excessive criticism. The intention behind their writing is to foster understanding rather than condemnation, even towards individuals like Yong-woo, whom they find difficult to understand.


- [👍2,👎0] I stopped watching towards the end. But I'm a huge fan of the sibling duo, Choa and Cheol-hyun.. Be happyㅠㅠ

- [👍46,👎1] Why does Jae-hyung look handsome even when he cries... Oh, my heartㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

- [👍82,👎3] Jung-sub's inability to speak politely to those older then him isn't due to an inability to literally do so; rather, it's his lack of sincerity that's quite evident, LOL. He claims to be heartfelt, but when it comes to building closeness, his options are limited to: approaching, being with, and dating. His insincerity often shines through in his words.

- [👍26,👎6] Yeah, Yongwoo doesn't look to good.

- [👍8,👎0] Ju-yeon was quite blunt when discussing shortcomings.

- [👍0,👎2] Apart from Jae-hyung, everyone left a bad impression.

- [👍3,👎22] But it's unfortunate to see them receiving so much criticism. Why post things like this?
        - [👍0,👎2] I wrote this post with the intention of fostering understanding not criticism.

- [👍3,👎2] A person who only watched the first episode thought Yongwoo seemed like the best, but it turns out he was actually the best villain...?

- [👍0,👎0] People often aren't aware of their flaws. Seeing someone leave the broadcast probably surprised everyone. Let's aim to improve our shortcomings and grow as individuals.


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