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{EnterTalk} Do you think Byun Wooseok is good at acting?

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 I don't know.

Original post here

[+20,-0] It's ambiguous, ㅋㅋㅋㅋ. The lines aren't great, but his facial expressions and gestures are pretty good, ㅋㅋㅋ. The director knows how to highlight the right points.

[+19,-0] To be honest, I really like Sun-jae so much that  I became Byun Woo-seok's fan, but if he wants to continue this popularity, he needs to practice acting and improve his skills.

[+6,-0] His acting skills are still not good enough... But if you watch the making video, you can see that he is working hard, saying that he is full of passion ㅜㅜ I am proud of him.

[+5,-0] It's ambiguous, but he's better than his previous work.

[+3,-0] He's good at everyday acting, but he doesn't seem to be good at serious things... 

[+2,-0] It's ok if he can't act.

[+0,-0] His pronunciation is a bit slurred...

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