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{EnterTalk} Han So-hee hasn't changed.

You're still damn pretty.
You went to Cannes as an ambassador.

Whiter and prettier than white people. [Note: okaay~?]

Original post here

[+25,-4] At this event, she didn't suddenly yell 'Please be quiet!,' right?

[+24,-5] She looks really good in photos, but in that clip where she's angrily saying 'Please be quiet!', her nose looks really strange.

[+4,-3] Han So-hee doesn't seem naturally fair-skinned... It feels like she's been made to look white... In other photos, she looks yellowish.

    -[+0,-0] Go worry about your front teeth being yellow.

[+8,-0] Why are people in our country so obsessed with being white... We act like we're a developed country, but we're still just as obsessed with whiteness as Southeast Asians... Is being whiter than white people considered beautiful?

[+25,-4] Her personality is terrible, but you can't criticize her face.

[+2,-3] The ajummas are swarming in to leave hate comments again ㅠㅠㅠ

[+0,-0] She looks more beautiful wearing a tank top than a dress.

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