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{EnterTalk} "Karina did not get plastic surgery."

Original post here

[OP is actually hating on Karina.]

[+52,-18] Karina has been getting a lot of positive reactions and doing really well lately, so are you upset and giving her a hard time again? ㅋㅋ. Are you mad because she was legendary at another college festival? Karina was beautiful in the past and still is now, so worry about your own face~

[+35,-19] She got casted by a major agency because she was pretty back then.

[+30,-10] Since she's doing well these days, the obsession has become really annoying.

[+19,-20] Looks the same as now.

[+7,-0] Without plastic surgery technology, K-pop would not have existed.

[+7,-0] It's true that she was pretty before plastic surgery, but it's true that she had plastic surgery. It's also harmful to say she didn't have plastic surgery. Overseas, there's a trend to acknowledge and reveal plastic surgery so that teenagers don't have a distorted body image.

[+2,-0] Some of the best comments are really trash. What on earth did Karina do wrong??

[+0,-0] Why are you even bringing it up? There are a lot of people who don't care if Karina had plastic surgery, so don't bother bringing it up and aggravating her.

[+0,-6] I think I did the eyes. The nose is the same as before so I'm not sure.

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