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{EnterTalk} Min Hee-jin's side: Disclosing KaKaoTalk messages is ethically wrong.

In line with this, CEO Min's side plans to submit the original KakaoTalk conversation as evidence to the court. It seems that they will not only submit the original text, but also include the context of the conversation. It appears that this will not be disclosed to the media
According to Sejong Law Firm, which represents CEO Min, "We plan to submit the original KakaoTalk conversation as evidence and explain the context in court." They further stated, "Revealing the KakaoTalk conversation itself to the public is primarily aimed at the people involved, and disclosing it to the media might be ethically wrong."

[Photo] CEO Min Hee-jin, Reveals KakaoTalk Conversation During Meeting
Reporter Kang Young-guk

Original post here.
👍614 👎174

[+13,-0] From the moment they started revealing private KakaoTalk messages, it felt like they were crossing the line. Tsk tsk. Now that it's coming back to them, they're getting all upset.

[+350,-50] Is Min Hee-jin feeling scared? Saying it's against ethics just because it was a private conversation? Haha, I guess what she said was true after all.

[+29,-1] Just a whole lot of contradictions. This doesn't look good.

[+24,-2] This is what engaging in shadow boxing looks like.

[+20,-2] A joke from beginning to end LOL.

[+15,-5] Just from looking at the KaKaotalk thus far, I understand HYBE's side better.

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