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Knetz react to news of foreign student who rode his bike naked on campus yesterday being found dead near his dorm today.


Pic not included.

This is a summary of an article on

Today 24 May at approx. 17:45, Mr. A an international student [black male, in his twenties] was found dead near a dorm at a university in Gwangju.

Mr. A was detained yesterday 23 May for riding his bike naked on campus. While in custody, it was determined that Mr. A had a history for treatment for depression. He told police that academic stress was the reason for his behaviour.

The exact cause of death is being investigated, police believe there is no foul play. 

[Note: I saw in other articles that while detained yesterday, Mr. A was tested for alcohol and drugs and both came back negative.

Academic stress compounded by that picture of him spreading (the pic has since been deleted in most places)... It must have been hard for him. May his soul rest in peace.]

Comments from theqoo
Original post here

Comments from theqoo don't have ratings.



-The student from yesterday?

-Photos of him [on his bike] were all over the place and not blurred... It's really unfortunate.

-Ah... Oh my ㅠㅠ When I saw the picture yesterday, I never dreamed something like this would happen. This is so sad... Of all places, in a foreign country ㅠㅠ 

-Oh my god, it's so sad... Oh my... 

-I sincerely wish for the deceased's soul to rest in peace.

--When this group text message was posted, I thought, "Did they really need to reveal the name of the disease?" If they were going to give the roommate a separate room anyway, they should've just called the student concerned and have them move to a room [without announcing it]...


Web Message] Wednesday, May 22 Hello, this is the dormitory administration office. A foreign student has shown symptoms of schizophrenia, so we intend to move their roommates to another 6-person room (same room number). Students who wish to move should contact us via MMS immediately by 6 PM.

  • 5:29 PM

[Web Message] Hello, this is the dormitory administration office. We are providing the following information about the room relocation. ○ Room number: Building 9B ○ Room password: .

  • 5:58 PM

-The text message is shocking. How can they announce the name of his illness in a group text message like that? ;;;;

-It's sad. How difficult it must have been to suddenly get sick in a foreign country without being able to communicate.

-It must have been very lonely and difficult in a foreign country...

-I saw the other article yesterday, what happened...?

-It's a pity... The fact that the photo was taken and uploaded was problematic, and the fact that it was also covered in articles is just so sad. I wonder how difficult it must have been in a far away place.

-Why did they announce his disease so casually like that?

-Why are they mentioning the name of the disease? I sincerely wish for the deceased's soul to rest in peace.

-It's strange to say publicly that he had schizophrenia like that. As the comments say, would they have done that if he were a Korean student? On the other hand, imagine a Korean student studying abroad being treated like that? There would have been an uproar. It's so unfortunate.

-Oh, it's a pity.... It's really a pity.....

- Do you think that 20-year-old got mentally ill because he wanted to? People who talk carelessly, you too can get schizophrenia at any time, so don’t be ignorant. This country is divided into classes even when it comes to illness.

-Rest in peace.

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