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{Marriage/Inlaws} "My boyfriend invited me over to his place for the first time. Should I help out, or no?"

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We're talking about marriage and he invited me to his house! He said he will cook for me and asked me to come over. Even though I'm in my 30s, this is my first time in such a situation, so I feel like things might become awkward...

  1. Should I offer to do the dishes?
  2. Should I help with the cooking?
  3. I shouldn't just sit there like a princess. But if I try to do too much, it might seem over the top. How much should I get involved?

My questions seem so silly, right? I think so too... ㅜㅜ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Original post here
[+80,-7] When men are invited, they just sit there and eat without any hesitation, and only get up when it's time to go. Why, when women go, do they have to ask about assisting to avoid embarrassment?
[+39,-0] You are invited as a guest, so please sit down, receive a treat, and then leave. Instead of worrying about what to do, go to your boyfriend's house and carefully observe the words and actions of his parents and siblings. It would be a good idea to visit at least three times before getting married to find out what kind of family it is. Men often speak and act differently when dating home. And watch his parents carefully. In many cases, the actions of the boyfriend's father are a reflection of the future boyfriend.
[+31,-4] Just bring a gift that is reasonably attractive and expensive. Dress up formally so that you are neat and tidy. Don't do anything, just sit down and smile and answer nicely. Show a lot of reactions. Don't help with household chores, cut fruit, wash dishes, or anything like that. If you do it, you'll start doing more and more.
[+17,-0] Just buy a gift and don't do anything; you're not family, you're just a guest.
[+4,-0] Just imagine that you went to your female friend's house to hang out. "Can I help?" You can just ask and be polite, but there is no need to beg like a slave.
[+3,-0] You were invited as a guest, so why are you helping with the cooking and washing the dishes??? If you are going as a guest, all you have to do is bring a decent gift and dress neatly.
[+2,-0] Don’t forget that you were invited as a guest as someone’s precious daughter. This is not a final interview!!! Give up your voluntary slave mentality...
[+0,-2] Please ignore the people here who have never been invited to their boyfriend's house. Go ahead, wash the dishes and cut the fruit. Look at their reaction. Even though you are a guest, pay attention to how your boyfriend reacts in that situation, whether he asks you to take it easy or takes it for granted. And if you feel like you were treated as a slave/unappreciated, escape.

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