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{Pann} RIIZE's Seunghan going to an academy? Netizens discuss.

The OP says: I wonder if there are books in that bag. It must be heavy

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👍161 👎26

[+143,-6] Wouldn't there be eyewitness reports already?

[+152,-63] If it's true he's attending a private tutor academy, I'm really impressed LOL.

[+333,-29] So we hand out well wishes to everyone...? The boy who took a photo kissing a girl in a motel and distributed it at will, is who I must root for? Wow, yet they curse at female idols who have done nothing wrong.

[+58,-1] This was a talented kid who could sing and dance well, there's no chance he'd give up and go study... unless he mentally feels he can't handle being a celebrity LOL. Entertainers get cancer, injuries and illnesses but still return to the industry. You can't put aside your studies, get famous, make loads of money and then decide to go back to an ordinary life.

[+58,-3] He's not attending some academy... recently, he's just been going back and forth to practice at the company. Seeing someone simply carrying a bag makes people think he's attending a private tutoring academy. Gosh.
            - [+10,-2] Yeah, his last sighting was entering SM building.

[+40,-0] Is it even him? It's just a view from the back.

[+33,-1] This wasn't even taken at a college building for entrance exam prep. If we all walk around with backpacks, we're now all students taking the exam again.

[+24,-2] Ain't he only born in '03? The future is bright. Do what you want in life.

[+15,-1] The lesson is, if you want to eat and live long and well as a celebrity, you must behave accordingly.

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