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{EnterTalk} How a 24-member girl group travels to music shows.

Kotone: It's like a going on a school trip~

Nakyoung: So the 24 of us are taking a ride to the broadcast station

Girls. Never. Ending.

👍26 👎12

[+2,-0] Imagine how long it takes to simply get ready.
            - [+0,-0] The leader must be stern and straight-forward.

[+1,-1] 24 members, even among themselves, while passing on the street, will go "Wait, are you... who?" That could easily happen LOL.

[+4,-1] It's too many...

[+2,-0] How do they share the space in the dorm?? Now I'm curious.

[+4,-1] Imagine the huge loss if they don't succeed...

[+1,-1] Is it even beneficial/profitable...?

[+1,-2] So you only get one line in a song? Does that classify as a singer?
            - [+0,-0} Even with that, they work harder than you. So, what's wrong?

[+5,-1] There are a lot of trainees too and it takes this much effort already, whether they debut or not."

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