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{theqoo} "South Korea is doomed... a low birth rate without a major epidemic or war."


Joan Williams, Professor Emerita of Law at the University of California, San Francisco:

"Didn't they say South Korea is in serious trouble? Yes, that's correct. The birth rate dropped again to 0.65 in the fourth quarter of last year. It's truly shocking. I've never seen such a low birth rate without a major epidemic or war. These numbers signify a national emergency."

Joan Williams, Professor Emerita of Law at the University of California, San Francisco:

"(In South Korea) there is an oddly worker-centric workplace culture combined with a system that requires adults to take care of children, but these two systems are incompatible."

She also noted that if money is prioritized, having children seems like an irrational choice.

In fact, a 2021 survey revealed that while most OECD countries ranked 'family' as their top priority, South Korea placed the highest importance on 'material success.'

Joan Williams, Professor Emerita of Law at the University of California, San Francisco:

"In South Korea, having children is seen as a major career disadvantage. Material success is extremely important (people factor this into their decisions). With prosperity being the main focus, it's no wonder women are reluctant to have children. It just doesn't align with their priorities."

She also highlighted that mothers returning to work face stigma and are often labelled as 'byul-ro' (a derogatory term).

Joan Williams, Professor Emerita of Law at the University of California, San Francisco:

"When you consider the GDP loss from pushing well-trained young women out of the workforce after they become mothers, it doesn’t make economic sense. Once you become a non-regular worker, your career prospects diminish, and this impacts the national economy."

At this point, Professor Williams emphasized that the South Korean government should invest in childcare, not just manage it.

Original post here.

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-Oh, it's still high? Drop even lower, haha."

- "Women desiring to bear children are being murdered while meeting men. Even those who are in pursuit of marriage, childbirth and a home, get scammed in the process; experiencing a miscarriage due to the shock of it all. Let's just call it quits."

- "It seems like they want only mothers to endure sacrifices if they want to raise children like they did in the old days. ^^"

- "During the COVID-19 pandemic, the only countries globally that experienced a decline in birth rates were Japan and South Korea..."

- "Let's end it all just like this."

- "No, currently South Korea is less desperate, haha. Their priority isn't to raise the birth rate; it's to prioritize supplying one woman to one man."

- "Because they regard women as beings meant for sex, childbirth, and domestic chores... Everyone is aware of it, yet they steadfastly ignore it."

- "In a society where news of women being murdered by random men they pass on the street, their own brothers, or even their boyfriends keeps surfacing daily, what's the use of fretting over birth rates? Safety isn't assured, not even in our homes or workplaces, where lunatics can intrude."

- "The problem lies in viewing women as unpaid domestic workers, can't you tell?"

- "Be quiet. We need to gaslight the women to resolve this, so shh."

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