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Opinion: "Yoon-yoon is the only couple that took advantage of the perks that come with being on a show like My Sibling's Romance."

Before Yun-jae even arrived, Ji-won, his younger sister, had been carefully assessing potential matches and had already chosen someone. Coincidentally, it turned out to be the same person Yun-jae would select. Yun-ha, who was beginning to develop feelings for this individual, wondered how exclusively dating each other was influencing this connection. Ji-won reassured Yun-ha that her heart belonged solely to Yun-jae.

Jung-sub had been anxious that others couldn't fully appreciate his sister's charm and beauty, but then Yun-jae appeared, speaking in a plain and straightforward manner.

Originally supportive and informative towards his sister, Yun-ha sometimes felt Jung-sub might be overly biased in her favour. However, he saw this not as a flaw, but as a positive aspect.

The younger siblings admired and cheered for Yoon💗Yoon, adding depth and forging an integral part of  Yoon Yoon's narrative.

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- ""Seriously, and most definitely, without this format, neither of them would have had an opportunity to meetã… ã… "

- "Seriously, how did this exact format for a reality show come about, and how did Yoon Yoon end up here? It all feels so destinedㅜㅜ"

- "The atmosphere was so much like a couple in a relationship, thanks to the enthusiastic younger siblingsã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹""

- "Even the younger siblings being  Yoon Yoon fans was delightful. They couldn't contain their laughter every time they found out about each other's textsã…‹ã…‹ Yoon Yoon fits the format perfectlyã…‹ã…‹"

- "The reactions during the texting moments was so entertainingã…‹ã…‹ã…‹"

- "It's a bit off-topic, but I found it amusing and cute when Jung-sub suggested a double date with the four of themã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ It was like, 'Would you like to come along and observe when your brother and my sister go on a date?'ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Like Yun-ha, Ji-won played an instrument since she was young, so she wanted to continue to get along well with her."

- "They seemed delighted to receive a tremendous amount of support from their younger siblings."

- "Benefits of the My Sibling's Romance reality show genre.""

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