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{Update} Man who snatched young girl's gift at baseball game apologised.


Apology for Home Run Doll Incident

2024-05-23 00:20 Views: 742

I sincerely apologise for the Home Run Doll incident.

I just found out about everything through a friend's message and am writing this apology.

My son, who is a big fan of Hanwha [Eagles], had been begging for a Home Run Doll. A friend helped, and let us switch seats. In the moment, I was focused on creating something memorable for my son if a homerun happened. I didn't desire anything else. I mistakenly thought that you just had to catch the Home Run Doll if it was thrown into the stands. This misconception caused my selfish actions.

I am sorry to the young fan. Truly. I'm profoundly remorseful for how I acted. 

If this message finds you, please contact me via chat. I would like to return the doll and apologise in person if I could meet you. I am truly sorry.

[The OP notes that the fangirl attended a game the next day and received a doll when another player hit a home run. She is now a home run fairy🧚]

Original post here.

Comments have no ratings.
- "Let's be honest. Giving an apology is very courageous."

- "The video upset me so much, even I was apologetic."

- "It's been a while since I've seen someone issue an apology. I'm glad he did so."

- "He could have stayed quiet and let the critiques pass, but coming forward like this is incredibly brave."

- "Please let's not do this next time~~"

- "The son has a good father. Don't let hate comments get to you and cheer up."

- "The moral expectations for ordinary people are way too high LOL. As if they themselves are completely flawless."

- "An apology and a promise to return it... nothing else is needed."

- "The camera caught everything head-on, and clearly that player saw his name and threw directly to the girl. It also seemed like that girl touched it. If he was caught up in the moment and didn't see his surroundings, I guess it could have happened."

- "You can't change what has already happened. You seem genuinely embarrassed and made an apology and that's that."

Related:{ISSUE } Man snatching a gift from a young fan is currently trending...

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