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Knetizens react to Jay Park opening an OnlyF*ns account to promote new album.

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- "Judging by the frenzy across all online communities and social media, the marketing impact seems effective."

- "Huh?

- "???? What kind of concept does the album have?"

- "The last picture looks like it's from the perspective of a dog."

- "Oh, Jay Park, I thought it was because you were having a rough time."

- "What exactly is OnlyF*ns? Is it like Weverse?"
    -- "It's a site where regular people upload their own adult contentã…‹ã…‹. Famous people make billions." 
        --- "Oh wow.. I didn't even think that because the name sounds so wholesome... Thank you!!"

- "I get that it's for promotion, but why resort to using such a site?"

- "Is it worth resorting to such shameless noise marketing?"

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