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Red Velvet's Joy vents about SM to her fans on Bubble.


-Fan: "Please do a reaction to the music video."
-Joy: "Well.. They didn't listen to our opinions at all and just told us to wait, and then we saw the music video with no parts edited.😃"

OP: "Red Velvet made a comeback, but the music video was 40 minutes late."


-[👍586,👎70] "I understand her frustration, but I don’t think it’s right for colleagues to act this way. Idols often seem to complain to fans about these issues. The best approach is to resolve matters internally among those involved. If that’s not possible and external help is needed, everything should be clearly explained. However, merely hinting at discomfort without being clear makes it seem like the responsibility of confronting and complaining to the company is being pushed onto the fans."
Joy: "I want to let you know, too 😭"
Fan: "Please do a reaction to the music video."
Joy: "Well.. They didn't listen to our opinions at all and just told us to wait, and then we saw the music video with no parts edited.😃"
Joy: "I shouldn't say more, so I need to stay quiet."

-[👍243,👎62] "But when you think about it, the designers working in the entertainment industry are probably working their asses off for ridiculously low pay."

-[👍174,👎34] "But honestly, it must be incredibly frustrating. Even if someone isn't great at their job, there are limits. Plus, this is the 10th-anniversary album, and they’re handling it like this? Joy was so invested in this album that she even made a PowerPoint presentation. It's not ideal that she vented to fans, but she must have been really exasperated to do that. It's not just a one-time mistake—they make errors every comeback. No matter how much they tell the company, they're not being heard, so they end up acting like this."

-[👍159,👎13] "I firmly believe that if idols were to share even a small portion of the tens of billions they earn with the underpaid entertainment industry staff, who work solely out of pride, the overall quality would see a substantial improvement."

-[👍136,👎21] "The music video is straight from "Midsommar," what kind of homage is that? People were going crazy on Twitter, the members must have been frustrated.. They said they were heavily involved, but there's nothing reflecting that, and the criticism of the album concept was just ignored."

-[👍71,👎52] "Why is Joy acting like that... I've been a fan of hers since debut, but why does she seem more arrogant as she gets older? This behavior should be behind the scenes, so why talk about it in Bubbles with fans? How does that improve anything? Did she just say it to make herself feel better? Seriously reckless, I wouldn't want to work with someone like that."


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