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My Sibling's Romance: All the Park siblings (feat. mom and dad) gather for Cheolhyun's birthday.

HS* umma made Seaweed soup💓

Meeting with Mr. KT* appa💓 
Thank you for inviting me

TWEET: The part where siblings Jae-hyung and Se-seung, tell Cheol-hyun that he's similar to their dad is so touching.

I felt like Cheol-hyun emits such a bright energy after receiving so much love from Se-seung. Jae-hyung and Se-seung felt that Cheol-hyun resembles the father who gave them that love a lot, didn't they?

Cheolhyun really seems like someone who radiates such  loving and cheerful energy.

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- "This scene of the Park siblings become a family of four is heart-warming!! The food also looks delicious."

- "ㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠㅠㅠ Oh my goodness, The Park siblings went out and forged a bond even stronger than lovers. It's truly heartening to witness."

- "Finally got to meet Dad ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 🎂 He even set up a birthday spread; so touching."

- "Such an intense, emotional act 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"

- "My Sibling's Romance's pure function."

- "It's bringing tears to my eyes ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Cheol-hyun said he feels so good filming My Sibling's Romance, with lots of friendly and warm people around the house. It's been a long time since he's felt this way, so it really moved me ㅠㅠㅠ Jae-hyung, Se-seung and their family are so kind.."

- ""Why am I tearing up..? The moment is so movingㅠㅜ""

- "Wowㅠㅠㅠㅠ Anyone who's a fan of My Sibling's Romance wouldn't be able to hold back tears at this reunion. I'm really grateful they invited the Park siblings; it's so heart-warming 😭😭"

- "It's wonderful that Cheol-hyun met Mr. KT, and I really love them having a cooked meal on Cheol's birthday 🥺🥺 I hope the Park siblings have a lasting and strong bond~~ It's heart-warming. I'm grateful for the JaeSe parents' effort too ❤"

- "Finally they met!!!!!!! This is greatㅠㅠ"

*HS and KT refers to the mom and dad, respectively.

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