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"No, but why did Jennie collab with Zico?"

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OP: "Honestly, I was really disappointed.
Does Jennie not know anything about that incident at all?
I can't believe she would even consider collaborating with Zico after all that."


-[👍94,👎21] "These fans are amazing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Even if boy groups make mistakes, it's always the girl groups who get blamed in the end, right? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

-[👍67,👎8] "Zico is known for his straightforwardness. He's close to J-Hope, having appeared together on talk shows, and he maintains a friendly relationship with D.O. He's also friends with Lee Sung-kyung and Sunmi."

-[👍55,👎17] "If you're angry at Zico, tell him. Why are you dragging Jennie all of a sudden?"

-[👍34,👎5] "Fans, stop leaving comments... I get that some of you want to criticize Jennie, but Zico has collaborated and worked with so many celebrities over the years. Some of those collabs have been quite successful. Shouldn't you mention the other singers as well?? Petty jealousy."

-[👍6,👎0] "After Burning Sun, I remember a series of singers who collaborated with Zico and did challenges ㅋㅋ."

-[👍4,👎0] "Does it feel good to bundle Jennie into this? You're forcing her inclusion so that you can finally criticize her."


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