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Zico's agency releases complaint notice against malicious comments claiming he's the culprit in Goo Hara's housebreaking.



Hello, this is KOZ Entertainment.

We have recently confirmed that various online communities and social media platforms have seen an influx of indiscriminate malicious posts and comments targeting our artist, Zico. These include defamation, slander, and the spreading of false information.

We have verified that these baseless and malicious rumors have reached an intolerable level. As a result, we have decided to take strong legal action against those responsible.

We have already collected relevant posts and comments from these platforms and filed complaints with investigative agencies. We will continue to monitor and gather such content, filing complaints on a regular basis. Additionally, we want to make it clear that the recent rumors about the artist are entirely false, and we will respond vigorously to these as well.

Our commitment to protecting our artist's rights remains steadfast. We will take strict action against individuals who post malicious content, based on evidence gathered from fan reports and our own monitoring. We will pursue accountability to the fullest extent, without any settlements or agreements.

Your attention and reports are invaluable in our legal efforts. If you come across any malicious posts or illegal activities related to the artist, please report them to us. ...


-"I don't like Zico, but the rumors about him being a safe-cracker are so shocking that it's crazy."

-"Although he is an unlikable celebrity, does any of it even  make sense based on common sense?"

-"Kids who like rumours and conspiracy theories really seem to have very low intelligence."

-"There was a real uproar over the tweet, so I'm rooting for you in suing people."

- "I was really surprised while browsing Twitter yesterday.. There were already many people confidently claiming that Zico had broken into Goo Hara's house. Why do they believe that, and what makes them so sure it was Zico?"

-"I don't like him because of his golden phone comment, but the rumour about being a safe thief is ridiculous."

-"I hope they get sued without leniency."

-"I was shocked when I read the post this morning. You shouldn't casually comment that it's just moving one finger. We should be careful and use our brains. It's a crime to speak casually about unconfirmed facts just because there are people and celebrities on the other side of your screen."

-"The things they claim as evidence were all ridiculousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The facial expressions and walking style are completely different too... It's just surprising because there's this atmosphere where they hope a famous celebrity is the culprit for their dopamine.;; Aren't they scared of getting sued? Why would they say such things and keep banging away on their keyboards?"

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