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{theqoo} [Lovely Runner] The type of coffee truck only Ryu Sun-jae could send...

Original post here.

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- "It's hilarious that it's nothing but pictures of themselves. LOL"

- "Look at how Ryu Sun-jae has his face all over the place. LOL"

- "A man who doesn't even try to hide anything."

- "Absolute insanity."

- "Hilarious as hell! LOL! Totally cracking up, damn, this is pure comedy gold! LOL!"

- "Ryu is such a handful, LOL. Ah, well, that's just how it goes."

- "I don't think I'll be sending coffee trucks to Ryu Seon-jae anytime soon."

- "I was incredibly proud to see his expression as he confirmed the design. It was truly satisfying."

- "Spamming only with their own close-up shots, LOL. Classic Ryu Sun-jae."

- "It's like putting a stamp on Lim Sol saying 'mine', LOL."

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