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{instiz} Yong Jun-hyung’s Instagram update related to Burning Sun.

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Hello, this is Yong Junhyung.
At that time, I was clearly foolish and made mistakes.
I failed to correct the wrong situation,
and without knowing what the right choice was,
amidst intense criticism,
out of fear and with a heavy heart,
I did not want to cause harm to the company and members because of me.
After years of being a part of something that meant everything to me,
I prepared myself to lose everything,
and made the decision to withdraw.

Original post here.

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- "Isn't what you wrote in your apology letter contradicting what you're saying now...?"

- "Are you serious? Someone lost their life due to that incident, and yet you're all happy?ㅋㅋㅋ"

- "You should have left the moment you saw that video or when the situation arose in that group chat. Even if it wasn't in your nature, you should have found the courage to cut all ties."

- "LOL, I can only laugh."

- "Please, live quietly LOLㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ You admitted to sharing inappropriate conversations, and now it's no longer the case?"

- "😠"

- "Just live quietly like a dead mouse. There are actual victims, so refrain from pretending to be one yourself."

- "While Yong Junhyung is responsible for his mistakes, we must address and correct the misconceptions... It's circulating that he was in the chat room and everyone knows he was a member of Burning Sun, haha. Some might dismiss it as trivial gossip. Nonetheless, let's avoid spreading falsehoods. There's sufficient criticism to be levelled based on facts alone. (Considering the actions he committed.)"

- "If he was genuinely sorry, he would have helped at least one victim."

- "You're making empty words so long-winded. Be direct and move forward from now on."

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