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AI generated (male) Cinderellas by country.


-"Nigeria looks so nice."

-"Turkey is really wow..."

-"A man appears lol."

-"With those arms, Nigeria's Cinderella did the housework with only one hand."

-"Nigeria is nice."

-"Do all Westerners look the same?"

-"Australia and Nigeria."

-"Korea is the best, next is China, I don't like men with beards."

-"Everyone is so nice."

-"Wouldn't the stepsisters be the ones crying?"


-"Turkey, yes."

-"Nigeria and Italy👍🏼"

-"I guess I'm Korean, I like Korea the best."

-"What kind of person is Nigeria's stepmother to be able to bully him?"

-"The glass slippers are all broken."

-"Australia is very handsome.......... Korea has a handsome face, but he doesn't feel too masculine."

-"For China, I can see all the faces of the Chinese actors I know ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ."

-"Their stepmothers would have to be immortal."

-"Tempered glass slippers, right?"

-"Couldn't Nigeria and Ghana storm the palace and usurp the throne?"

-"Where did all the masculinity of Chinese and Korean men go?"

-"AI can't draw fingers properly most of the time, but why does it draw muscle and dress fits so well?"

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