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{theqoo} The 3rd batch of aespa's Armageddon CD, consisting of 30 000 copies, has sold out.

Lee Hyunji (Researcher): "Yes, it's the price including the CD player. Surprisingly, up to the third batch, we ordered about 30,000 copies. We actually printed a lot more than expected. I thought we would only need around 1,000 to 2,000 copies, but it turned out to be 30,000 copies and they're all sold out."

Lee Daeho (Host): "The one with the CD player included costs 145,000 won."

Lee Hyunji: "We produced 30,000 copies of the album, and they were all sold out. Actually, I wanted to buy one myself, but couldn't get one."

Lee Daeho: "You couldn't even buy one even if you had the money?"

Lee Hyunji: "It's also due to ticketing. The actual album was released on Monday, May 27th, but it sold out on the 24th. Either I was too late or they were already sold out."

Original post here.

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- I'm one of those 30,000 people. ⁽⁽◝(˙꒳​˙)◜⁾⁾"

- ""I was considering buying during the first round, but seeing everyone else buying, I decided to purchase it too. However, right after I bought it, it immediately sold out."

- "I'm looking forward to the next delivery arriving soon 😊😊"

- "Phew, I managed to buy two during the first round through ticketing."

- "Huh, the third round has already ended...?"

- "The quantity wasn't as large as I had anticipated; I'm one among the 30,000."

- "Why did they go up to the third round without alerting us..?"

- "I also want to purchase it..."

- "Surprised it sold out so fast; I thought it would be in the thousands."

- "I've got two out of the 30,000 copies 😄"

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