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{theqoo} Knetizens show their love and support for 'My Sibling's Romance' Jaehyung.

Translation of tweet:
"Jaehyung -> Support.
Even though he knew it wouldn't work out, he made a choice and tried to end it well until the end, which felt like Jaehyung being considerate towards Jiwon to make her feel less uncomfortable."

OP: "Jaehyung and Jiwon's biggest failure."

Translation of tweet:
"Jaehyung is crying...... Oh my..." 

OP: "Park Jaehyung, the biggest unicorn, I hope you meet a good person and be happy." 

Original post here

Comments from theqoo don't have ratings.

-"Jaehyung's DMs are about to explode."

-"Jaehyung, I hope you meet someone even better."

-"How could a man like this..."


-"Jaehyung, you deserve to be with a unicorn that's just like you."

-"Jaehyung, your ancestors helped you. Meet a good person."

-"[Jiwon] dumped an accountant with Jaehyeong’s face and chose an unemployed person,,"

-"Congratulations, Jaehyung."

-"Jaehyung, don’t cry. It’s a good thing!!"

-"We cried with you, Jaehyung. Let’s walk on the road to happiness together."

-"Jaehyung, I hope you meet a goddess girlfriend who loves only you."

-"Jaehyung, you will meet a really good person. I support you."

-"How about me, Jaehyung?"

-"I feel sorry for Jaehyung, but it’s so funny that everyone keeps congratulating him ㅋㅋㅋ."

-"'I'm so glad, I was so anxious that you might end up with Jiwon. Jaehyung, you are better off. Please look at the outcome objectively. It’s a waste your of tears."

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