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{theqoo} RIIZE 'BOOM BOOM BASS' MV Teaser.


Original post here.

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- "I'm excited and can't wait to hear it."

- "The guitar vibe is spot-on, and the song sounds fantastic. Especially the deep tones towards the end—seriously, who's that? Human bass, LOL!"

- "They've kept most of the song and choreography well-hiddenㅋㅋ But just from the teaser, the song sounds promising. Looking forward to it!"

- "I'm really looking forward to it. Who knew I'd be eagerly anticipating Monday?"

- "Shotaro dancing is impressive, Wonbin looks handsome. They make a great pair."

- "Wow, listening to RIIZE music doesn't remind me of SHINee at all, but this gives off a slight SHINee vibe."

- "It's feels sophisticated. They chose a good song."

- "I already love it."

- "I think the song will be great LOL. I'm more curious about the choreography, though."

- "Why isn't it Monday today...ㅠㅠ"

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