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{theqoo} SM releases a statement addressing the false NCT "dr*gs and pr*stitution" rumours.

+Added Japanese version.



Hello, this is SM Entertainment.

Report X

Currently, highly provocative rumors regarding Johnny and Haechan involving prostitution, drugs, and other unspeakable activities are being recklessly spread and reproduced online. Upon investigation, these claims have been found to be completely untrue and constitute criminal acts that severely damage the artists' reputations.

Additionally, there has been a continuous generation of baseless rumors and malicious slander aimed at our artists, including NCT and Kim Hee-chul.

Our company has already collected sufficient evidence regarding numerous posts related to these issues, and we will not overlook these criminal acts. Regardless of nationality, we will ensure that the individuals involved are legally punished without any leniency or settlement.

Please be aware that any malicious posts made from this moment on could be subject to legal action.

Thank you.


The 'level' of these rumours is so strong that even though I'm not a fan [of NCT, Heechul], I hope they resolve it without showing any leniency.

Original post here

Comments from theqoo don't have ratings.

-All you crazy bastards are going to get sued ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹.


-Ah, really, sue everyone.

-At last.

-F*cking finally.

-At last!!!! Let's sue without leniency...

-There were rumours like that going around?

-The rumours are so vicious, I'm finding out about it for the first time.

-The notice is posted in other languages. The fans must have had a hard time.

-Isn’t spreading rumors of this kind, at this level, enough to be recorded as a s*x crime?

-Sue without leniency and let us know the results.

-The ability to believe yet there wasn't a single photo in the first place...

[Whew, so this was what the rumour was about? I don't even want to know what what was being said. If the rumours are lies, go ahead and sue 'em, SM.]

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