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{theqoo} 'That video' from Be:LIFT Lab now has English, Japanese and Chinese subtitles. Knetizens think it's a desperate move.


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Comments from theqoo don't have ratings.

-"Is there any other company that globally promotes stupidity like this?"

-"Madness itself ㅋㅋ"

-"Are foreigners fools? You can already see Korean public opinion just by looking at the comments."

-"I guess they want to be humiliated internationally this time."

--"Min Hee Jin, let's not lose and file a counter-suit."

-"Huh? But even international fans are reacting badly to the video. It's legendary how the company truly can't grasp the situation."

-"Requesting rescue from [international] ARMYsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ"

-"Sending out an SOS to strangers, it's transparent."

-" "Help me out." Is this it?"

-"Since they can't sway Korean public opinion, they are trying to capture foreign public opinion instead. There are many idols whose image has been ruined because of HYBE's foreign fans."

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