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{EnterTalk} These days, TWICE Sana's health is becoming worrying to some of her fans.

"Sana has suddenly lost a lot of weight since two years ago. I'm worried because she hardly seems to eat...

Even yesterday, in the Bubble, she mentioned that she only eats one meal a day these days... and yesterday she only had salad, saying she felt full and left almost everything else.

Last year during the world tour, she collapsed on stage. This year, with the summer tour in Japan coming up, I'm already worried...

I don't know if she's purposely not eating because of dieting or if she can't eat even if she wants to .Either way, Sana's eating habits these days seem to be crossing a line (just from what she mentioned in the Bubble).

Sana is a professional idol, so she'll probably manage her health well on her own, but as a fan, I'm really worriedㅠㅠ

Am I worrying unnecessarily...?

*She looks like a goddess now and is so beautiful, but old Sana was reallyㅜ cute."

 Original post here

[+21,-0] "I hope she can at least have some healthy and delicious food and get some good rest.."

[+9,-0] "I've never seen Sana faint before...please take care of your health.

[+3,-0] "These days, whenever I see Sana, I'm surprised at how much thinner she is than the Sana I used to know."

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