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{theqoo} Diet YouTuber that fans are starting to worry about.

My body changed in just 5 days

Currently fasting for 96 hours
 Exercising while fasting


Original post here.

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- "I heard that rapid, drastic dieting over short periods of time isn't good for your health."

- "Why did they gain so much weight in the first place? Are they deliberately cycling through gaining and losing weight for the sake of content?"

- "I came across them on TikTok, and their tone is concerning, with profanities after every word."

- "I saw a 50-day fast (eating only butter and bear soup) on Insta... I guess here's another one of them."

- "It would be preferable if platforms blocked such harmful content."

- "Don't stress over that YouTuber. The attention you're giving them is exactly what they desire. They rely on people watching their content; they understand that if viewership declines, their revenue stream stops."

- "The consequences will be serious... Let's practice some self-love."

- "I'd prefer it if they didn't upload this kind of content on YouTube... It seems they're unaware that young people watch and learn from it."

- "Wow... How can someone endure a 96-hour fast? It's called severe for a reason."

- "Why go to such extremes to lose weight when it's achievable through simpler means? Is it because of YouTube? Just sticking to a regular diet and exercise routine could lead to weight loss, so why go through the trouble of enduring all that?"

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