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{theqoo} "I got sued by Le Sserafim.pann"

I got sued by Le Sserafim.

 Just in case, I received a letter from the police station saying I've been sued. I'll post it. I hope you all are careful too.

I'm a fan of another group and since some incident, I've had some really bad feelings toward 'Hanteo'[the music chart system], so I really dislike them[Le Sserafim], and I saw some comments on Twitter and Instagram and left some comments and wrote some posts. But now I'm being sued for defamation and defamation of character because my words were false and malicious. I was contacted at the end of May about being sued. Honestly, I wasn't outright cursing or anything like that. 

I saw in a post on Pann where someone wrote that you won't get sued to that extent, but I guess I was that level, huh? 
'Don't you f*****g dare form a girl group, etc.,' but I was also sued for that. I didn't insult anyone's parents, attack their person, or sexually harass anyone. I did a bit of mocking and ranting, mostly. Of course, if the person involved read it, they might feel upset, I admit that. And I have accounts on YouTube and Instagram I signed up for in Korea, but I got caught. I think they caught me using login records or IP addresses, but I'm not sure. I wasn't making any money or running a channel, I just left comments, but I got caught. 

I hope you all take this as a lesson and be careful. I really want to turn back time right now. When I was investigated, because we live in the same area, I met another sister. She said she heard that I was the first person to spread the false rumours about Le Sserafim on Twitter. But I heard that our punishments will be similar. I talked to a lawyer, but Le Sserafim's company has no intention of settling and just keeps saying they want 10 million won. First, I told my parents, and I hired a lawyer. But if it's your first offense, you send a letter of remorse, attend the trial, and if the lawyer pleads for you, you'll be found innocent. But Le Sserafim's company is going to keep investigating and questioning even if the people they're suing are found innocent, I heard. Isn't this a bit of a corporate power abuse?? I made a mistake, but aren't they just catching young people with money and threatening them? Sigh, everything is so difficult now.

 I'm really sorry to my parents for causing so much trouble, and of course, I'm sorry for cursing, but I'm also so angry that they won't give me any leniency. I have nowhere else to talk about it, and I think it's best not to mention celebrities if you don't like them. I feel like it's best not to say anything. What did my comments do to my life to make it like this? Tears just come out, I'm just so frustrated and sad, so I wrote this post. Thank you for reading my post. I got sued by Le Sserafim, and bad comments anywhere will ultimately be a loss, so be careful. Thanks for reading this long post. 

 Original post here.

Comments have no ratings.
- "Whether it's fake or not, I'm looking forward to seeing a bunch of people getting sued. Just saying."

- "Good luck to those suing malicious commenters! Just remember, forging official documents is against the law."

- "I'm curious why the post is dated June 8th but the mail is marked as produced on June 23rd... 😂"
[Here are those dates zoomed in:

- "Why are they resorting to fabrication? Is it to intimidate people into refraining from writing anything about Le Sserafim?"

- "Is it possible that management purposely fabricated the post to show it to the haters? 😂"

- "Whether it's fabricated or not people are just freely commenting here, thinking they won't get sued anyway."

- "I thought the main content was overly elaborate and detailed, and as expected, it was all fabricated. Why are they so fond of spreading rumours..."

- "Remember when they got caught fabricating proof of lawsuits during the BTS era? 😂 They were caught because of typos in official documents. 😂

- "Are they seriously trying to manipulate public opinion with this?"

- "Aren't lawsuits typically reserved for more serious matters? I thought only severe cases led to legal action."

- "Such documents typically arrive through registered mail. However, there's no registration barcode on it, haha. I can't fathom why they would fabricate something like this."

- "I also know that court documents don't arrive like that through registered mail either..."

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