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{EnterTalk} Update! "I got sued by LE SSERAFIM.pann"


For any context needed, please first read {theqoo} "I got sued by Le Sserafim.pann"

"First of all, I deleted the initial post because there were a lot of comments that day, and I was scared it might spread and cause issues or reveal my personal information. I was also worried if posting it might be against the law. Other unrelated fandoms were mentioned too, and they seemed really upset, so I thought it would be better to delete it for now and post it again properly later. I consulted with a lawyer by phone to get things straight. Honestly, I wanted to let it go and not repost, but I'm worried that if I don't, they might accuse me of defamation or something again.

That night, I was so upset that I posted it without thinking clearly, so I'll correct any misunderstandings and state things properly. It's not forgery or fabrication; everything is true. I've provided all the requested verification and written the post accordingly, so please check below.

I initially said I was sued around the end of May, which was incorrect. The date I was sued is in the notice, but LE SSERAFIM sued at the end of April, so I was sued at the end of April. The mail I showed isn't the lawsuit notice; it's a notification of investigation results, stating that the police sent it to the prosecutor. I never said I found out about the lawsuit through that mail, and that's not true. I first learned about the lawsuit through a phone call, and I was investigated the very next day, and as a result, I received that notice. I met the person I mentioned during that investigation. On the day of the investigation, the police told me to contact them upon arrival at the civilian waiting room. While I was waiting there, there was one other person besides me, and while talking, that person shared that information. However, I'm not in contact with that person now, and I don't know how much of what they told me was true or false. Since it's not directly related to my case, I won't mention it further.

Some said the post was fake because the mail date was in the future, but you misread it due to the poor image quality. It was written as 5.21, and 5.23 is the mail creation date, meaning it was written on 5.21 and sent on 5.23. Naturally, I received it later, and that's why I referred to it as the end of May."

"And the recent notice about LE SSERAFIM suing has nothing to do with me. I was sued much earlier, and my case hasn't been resolved yet. I won't disclose the comments I made because that could again lead to charges of defamation or insult. But the comment I made about suggesting a girl group member to leave was just an example. I did make several comments on various topics, but I never made any s*xual remarks or extreme insults. Most of my comments were just critical opinions that anyone might have.

There are rumors that I wrote the post because I'm a fan of LE SSERAFIM and wanted to prevent others from posting negative comments about them, or that I wanted to slander LE SSERAFIM by making up stories. None of that is true.

To be honest about why I wrote the post, the lawyer told me I would likely be found not guilty and that the other party was probably aware of this too. I was upset because my comments were critical rather than abusive, and I have no criminal record. Despite knowing I would likely be found not guilty, a large corporation used its money to delegate the lawsuit, making an ordinary citizen like me go through the court process, spending money and suffering emotional distress. I thought that was unfair. So, I wrote the post to warn others not to make the same mistake and to share my experience of being wronged by a big company. I had no other intentions.

There are also claims that I'm not reflecting on my actions, which isn't true. I fully acknowledge that it was my fault for writing those comments in the first place, and I wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't done so. I am reflecting on my actions.

I want to make it clear that this is not a fabrication, and I hope this clarification doesn't cause any harm elsewhere. It was very difficult for me to repost this, and I was scared of being identified. But I decided to correct things. If anyone continues to make excessive personal attacks against me and blames me for things that aren't true, I will take legal action. I have attached the remaining details and additional verifications below. Thank you for reading this long post."

Original post here

[+200,-25] "I reported this for document forgery. If you really were sued, then it will be proven that it isn't forgery."
---"Daebak, that's awesome."

[+127,-16] "Did it take you  a day to make this?ㅋㅋㅋWould you still be confident even if it gets reported as document forgery?"

[+7,-0] It seems like the writer is one of two things: either completely lying, or they did get sued, but it wasn't just criticism; it was actually severe insults worthy of punishment. ...."

[+4,-0] "Upload documents that have “Source Music” written on them."

[+3,-0] "What did you say that got you sued? And since Source Music sued you, please post evidence of Source Music being the one suing you."

[+2,-0] "Is there anyone else who has been sued other than this person?"

[+0,-0] "Everyone that's getting sued seems to have the same way of writing."

[+0,-0] "Just show us what comments you wrote instead of saying you're scared. You can upload them with the names blurred out. Three would be enough."

[+0,-0] "You clearly don't seem to know the law... It's the first time I've seen a malicious commenter post verification while their lawsuit is ongoingㅋㅋ If you post stuff like this, they'll be contacting you againㅋㅋㅋ"

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